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Beiersdorf A Legacy Of Innovation And Social Responsibility


Beiersdorf: A Legacy of Innovation and Social Responsibility

A History of Pharmaceutical Excellence

Beiersdorf has a rich history in the healthcare industry, dating back to its founding in 1882. Originally a pharmaceutical company, Beiersdorf developed innovative products like diabetes treatments and adhesive bandages.

Expanding into Skincare

In 1890, pharmacist Oscar Troplowitz acquired Beiersdorf and expanded its focus into skincare. He introduced Eucerin, the first emulsified skin cream, and Nivea, the iconic skincare brand that has become a household name worldwide.

Global Expansion and Innovation

Throughout the 20th century, Beiersdorf continued to grow and innovate, establishing operations in multiple countries. The company introduced sunscreen lotions, anti-aging treatments, and skincare products for specific skin types.

Social Responsibility

Beyond its commercial success, Beiersdorf has a strong commitment to social responsibility. Under the motto "We Care Beyond Skin by Empowering Girls," the company partners with NGOs to promote girls' education and empowerment in developing countries.


Beiersdorf's legacy of pharmaceutical excellence, innovation, and social responsibility has made it a respected global player in the healthcare and skincare industries. Its commitment to providing high-quality products while making a positive impact on society sets it apart as a truly exemplary organization.

